Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Learning "Creative"

I, like most people, developed the belief at some point that "being creative" is a gift that some people have and others don't. I associated creativity with being artistic - being able to paint, draw, or create beautiful things. There are tons of creative people in the wedding industry; just as there are in interior design and in fashion.
I've recently changed the way I look at creativity thanks to the book Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko. The book was written based on the premise that creativity is a skill, and that, like any other skill, it can be learned, developed, and perfected. This book is full of practical techniques that can be used to exercise your own creativity.
I highly recommend this book for anyone working in a creative industry and I recommend it even more highly to anyone who doesn't work in a creative industry. When it comes right down to it, creativity is an ability to generate ideas. The more ideas one can generate in a short amount of time the more creative one could be said to be. What line of work is free from problems that need solving? None. And problems are solved by creative thinkers - the people with the ideas.

Check out some of the Thinkertoys' Tips to Become an Idea Person and start your creative workout!



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