Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Design Inspiration

Today is another windy day in the big city of Ottawa. Not nearly as bad as its been some days for the past week or so. I'm not sure about everyone else but for me wind storms mean a few hours of picking up branches from my lawn. I have five huge Maple trees in my yard and its not uncommon to find "branches" 10-feet long littered across the lawn (I kid you not).

This gave me some inspiration for today's post. Recently I've started collecting the branches that fall off the trees and I've piled them in my garage (my husband thinks he's going to use them for fire wood - but little does he know...). I have a pile almost as tall as me now and nearly twice as
long (okay... I exaggerate a tad... but there's definetly a lot of branches). And why this crazy new collection you ask? Because the things you can do with branches for wedding decor is unbelievably limitless! You can use them as ceterpieces, entrance decor, aisle decor in the church... you can paint them, cover them with glitter, hang some flowers from them and recently I saw an arrangement where Nancy of Nancy Liu Chin Designs hung strands of rose petals from a beautiful branchy arrangement.

Save-on-crafts also has some great tips and images that you can use for inspiration.

There are a few things you'll want to keep in mind when using branches to create your designs.

1. Clean, clean. If you're taking branches from the great outdoors make sure you've cleaned the "great outdoors" off of them before putting them on anyone's dinner table.

2. Safety first. Tall arrangements make a grand statement but ensure that you've created a stable piece (you don't want your masterpiece knocking Grandpa Joe unconscious during the speeches). A good way to ensure that your creation is sturdy is to weigh it down with some sand, water, or rocks.

3. I see you! Make sure that the arrangement doesn't obstruct anyone's vision. There's nothing worse than a centerpiece that you have to talk around.

4. Keep it consistent. Make sure the piece fits in with the rest of your theme and decor. If you're using branches as a part of a a Winter Wonderland theme cover the branches in some fake snow or paint them white with nice silver glitter. Maybe dress them up with some silver and blue bobbles. If you're doing a summer beach theme then a vase filled part-way with white sand would make a nice base for your branch display. Try hanging strands of seashells with little clear blue and white beads from the branches.

Check out Wedlog for this simple oragami floral piece.
Whatever you do... be creative and have fun!

Happy Planning!


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