Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Cindy!

Tuesday was Cindy's birthday and I thought that this would be a great opportunity to really introduce her to everyone. The first thing you should know, in case you hadn't figured it out already, is that Cindy and I are sisters.

Cindy joined the Coverall Event Coordination team nearly a year ago. Bringing her on board was a bit of a no-brainer for me. Since we were kids Cindy has had a phenomenal way of making friends and really making people feel special. People's first impressions of Cindy have always been that she is warm, friendly, and really fun (While I, on the other hand, was always mistaken for a snob growing up. But that was just because I was REALLY shy! Anyway, we're not talking about me today).

Cindy is also a "super-mom"; she actually made all of her daughter's baby food from scratch! I tried to do that once... and only once.

Since joining the team Cindy has proven herself to be a huge asset and has been such an enormous help to me personally. Over the past year our business has more than tripled and on top of that I had to slow down for a bit after having a baby in June. Cindy's had to take on some extra work along the way and she's been a real pro through it all.

Here are some things you should know about Cindy:

Tim Hortons or Starbucks?
Starbucks because of the complexity of the beverages.

What are you known for?
Loudness! I'm the one you'll always hear over everybody else. (I come from a BIG family; you had to be loud if you wanted to be heard).

What is your favourite word?
Excellent (lately anyway). It's the word of the week - no particular reason, it's the first word that popped out of my mouth; it sounds good and flows well, so let's use it. Next week, who knows...

If the whole world were listening, what would you say?
*I cried at this question??* I'd say: "Let's work together to make this a better place for our future - we seem to be meaner than we used to be, we seem to be less caring of ourselves, our neighbours, and our planet. We need to work together to make this a better place for our children to live."

If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be?
"So Small" Carrie Underwood- the song says it all.

"Don't worry about things that you have no control over, because you have no
control over them. Don't worry about things that you have control over, because
you have control over them."

~ Mickey Rivers ~

If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be?
IKEA. Need I say more?

What song best describes you when you first wake up in the morning?
"I don't wanna work, I just wanna stay in my bed all day..."

What do you love most about weddings?
The father to daughter speech and dance. It gives a chance for everyone to see what a wonderful relationship a father and daughter have. Oh, heck, I just like to cry.

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