Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions For 2010: Healthier Lifestyle

Happy New Year's Day!!!

Given that it's January 1st I thought I'd post another resolution. And isn't this always one of our resolutions? It's probably because there's always more we can do to be just a little more healthy. Most of us drink too much coffee, ingest too much salt and sugar, and don't get enough exercise.

In 2009 I became a vegetarian which has made a surprising difference in the way I feel. I initially became a vegetarian because I'm out to save the world (or at least that's what I'm told) but it turns out that I've felt a hundred times better since making the switch. I have more energy, I feel satisfied but not full after a meal, and I've lost weight. Christmas killed me a bit after receiving a whole cupboard worth of chocolates and treats... once that's gone I'll get back on track! Ha ha!

I used to be in really great shape but after two kids this body just isn't what it used to be. For Christmas I got a Wii Fit system so now I'm adding a daily routine of running, hula hooping, Yoga, and other random activities to my schedule. It also means that I'm getting up earlier so that no one can see how ridiculous I look flailing around on the balance board. I'm not sure if this will make a huge difference in my fitness but I've had friends who swear by it and I've definitely been a little sore since I started using it.

What are you doing to improve your health and fitness in 2010? Perhaps you're looking to tone up or shed some pounds before your wedding. Feel free to share your tips!


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